Sam - just born

Sam - just born

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Practical Things!

Here is a list of some practical things we need:

- Thermometer the strip kind for baby's forehead - no rectal temperatures for me!!
- Baby brush and comb
- Bathing chair or support for when Sam gets older
- Bottle drying stand and brush
- Sunscreen
- Baby Tylenol
- nail clippers (& someone to cut his nails!! This makes me nervous)
- For when Sam starts to eat food we will need a sippy cup, utensils, plates
- Teething ring
- Safety gate
- clothes basket for all of that laundry
- diapers and wipes
- change table railing at 36 X 18


  1. Brush, comb, thermometer, sunscreen have all been taken care of.

  2. Sippy cup, utensils, and a plate have been purchased.

  3. Bottle drying stand has been purchased

  4. bathing stand...done!
